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Max Planck Foundation

The Max Planck Foundation was born as a private, independent, non-profit self-organization of supporters of top-level science in 2006. It exclusively supports the Max Planck Society and its Max Planck and affiliated institutes. The many projects...

MPDL Services

The MPDL Services gGmbH was founded in 2018. It provides the infrastructure and know-how to enable scientific institutions throughout Germany to participate easily and collaboratively in the nationwide DEAL agreements with scientific publishers.The...

German Climate Computing Center (DKRZ)

The “Deutsches Klimarechenzentrum” (DKRZ) is a non-profit and non-commercial limited company with four shareholders: the Max Planck Society, the City of Hamburg (represented by the University of Hamburg), the Helmholtz Centre Geesthacht,...


MPQueer, the queer network of the Max Planck Society, aims to accelerate the development of a supportive and inclusive queer community within the MPG. By fostering a welcoming environment, we strive to create spaces where queer individuals feel valued...

MPG Semiconductor Laboratory (HLL)

The “Halbleiterlabor” (HLL) of the Max Planck Society is a Semiconductor Laboratory and develops, processes, and supplies commercially unavailable state-of-the-art semiconductor radiation detectors for advanced experiments with a focus on...


As the central technology transfer company of the Max Planck Society, Max Planck Innovation has helped bridge the gap between science and industry since 1970. The team advises and supports scientists of the Max Planck Society in the assessment of...

Conference Venues

Every year scientists and researchers from the institutes of the Max Planck Society organize a number of conferences, symposia, and conventions. The Max Planck Society has several conference venues to accommodate these events:

Brussels Office

The Brussels Office of the Max Planck Society has the task of monitoring, analyzing, and evaluating research policy developments at the EU and helping shape them in the interests of the Max Planck Society and its Institutes. In doing so, the Brussels...

Max Planck-Genome-Centre Cologne

The Max Planck-Genome-Centre Cologne (MP-GC) is a core facility for Max Planck Institutes performing next-generation sequencing (NGS). The MP-GC is open for all scientists of the Max Planck Society and currently provides sequencing service on different...


FoKo Today, science and science management work closely together. Professional management creates the freedom that research needs on a daily basis. The research coordinators at the Max Planck Institutes have been ensuring this for years....

Berlin Office

Since 2003, the Berlin Office represents the interests of the Max Planck Society in the German capital and intensifies its relations with decision-makers in politics, science, industry and society. In close exchange with other science and research...


The GWDG (Gesellschaft für wissenschaftliche Datenverarbeitung mbH Göttingen) is a service organization that works in conjunction with the University of Göttingen and the Max Planck Society as a data and IT service center.  It also...

Max Planck Sustainability Network

The Max Planck Sustainability Network is a grass-roots initiative within the Max Planck Society. It was founded in 2019 in Magdeburg during the first sustainability workshop. The members of the network are committed to improving cooperation of research...


The Max Planck PostdocNet, founded in April 2019, brings together postdoctoral researchers of the Max Planck Society and represents the interests of the postdoctoral community across all Max Planck Institutes. The goal of the network is to improve...


The Max Planck Computing and Data Facility (MPCDF, formerly known as RZG) is a cross-institutional competence center of the Max Planck Society to support computational and data sciences. In close collaboration with domain scientists from the Max Planck...

Joint Network Center (GNZ)

Several Max Planck Institutes in the Berlin/Brandenburg area are networked via a powerful intranet, at the center of which is the “Gemeinsames Netzwerkzentrum” (GNZ) – a Joint Network Center. The GNZ is responsible for the operation of the...

Open Science Ambassadors

Open Science Ambassadors are early-career-researchers (ECR) of the Max Planck Society interested in open science topics and their systematic implementation. They not only seek to make their research open, but push for change in their community and...

LeadNet & MPRGL network

LeadNet LeadNet is a network bringing together senior scientists, research associates, project and group leaders of the Max Planck Society. The network is predominantly a bottom-up initiative of all research leaders irrespective of their formal and...


The MPG internal committee “BAR” (Beratender Ausschuss für Rechenanlagen / Advisory Committee for Computing Facilities) was founded by a decision of the MPG Executive Committee in 1968. The first meeting of the BAR took place in Göttingen...


The Max Planck PhDnet is a platform for exchange among the about 5000 PhD candidates working at 84 Max Planck Institutes of the Max Planck Society across all three sections: Biology & Medicine, Chemistry, Physics & Technology, and Human Sciences....

Scientific Council

The Scientific Council is made up of the Scientific Members and the Directors of the institutes and research facilities. It also includes the scientific staff members from the institutes elected to the Sections. The Emeritus Scientific Members and...

Scientific Staff

Representatives of the scientific staff The representative of the scientific staff is elected every three years by the scientific staff of the respective institute and confirmed by the President of the Max Planck Society. She/he represents the interests...

Max Planck Digital Library (MPDL)

The Max Planck Digital Library (MPDL) is a central unit of the Max Planck Society. It supports scientists from all Max Planck Institutes with a broad portfolio of services in the fields of information and software supply, publication services,...

General Meeting

The General Meeting of the members of the Max Planck Society is the principle governing body of the Society. At the General Meeting, the scientific members can e. g. adopt amendments to the statutes, elect the Senators, receive the Annual Report, as well...

Scientific Members

The Scientific Members include the Scientific Members of the Institutes (usually the directors), the retired Scientific Members, and the External Scientific Members of the Institutes. The Senate appoints the Scientific Members. The Scientific Members...


The Max Planck Society’s Archives in Berlin-Dahlem were established in 1975 in order to safeguard the files of the Kaiser Wilhelm / Max Planck Societies for the Advancement of Science (mainly files, photographs, audio records, and film) in one...


The Senate is a central decision-making body of the Max Planck Society. It elects the President and members of the Executive Committee and decides on the appointment of the Secretary General. It decides on setting up or closing down Institutes...

Secretary General & Administrative HQ

The Secretary General The Secretary General is responsible for managing Administrative Headquarters and bears responsibility for budgetary matters and daily business. She is responsible for the organization, structure and legal matters of...

President & Executive Committee

President The President represents the Max Planck Society, sets guidelines for research policy and presides over the Senate, the Executive Committee, and the General Meeting. In matters requiring immediate attention, the President is empowered to make...

Max Planck Institutes

Your Max Planck Institutes are in the heart of our city! You all are independent and autonomous in the selection and conduct of your research pursuits. To this end, you have your own, internally managed budgets, which can be supplemented by...