President & Executive Committee


The President represents the Max Planck Society, sets guidelines for research policy and presides over the Senate, the Executive Committee, and the General Meeting. In matters requiring immediate attention, the President is empowered to make decisions that would normally fall within the authority of the above-mentioned bodies. He ensures that work in the Max Planck Society is carried out in a spirit of trust. The Senate elects the President for a six-year term

Executive Committee

The Executive Committee advises the President and prepares important decisions facing the Max Planck Society. It adopts the necessary resolutions. It prepares the overall budget and presents it to the Senate for adoption. It also prepares the annual report for approval by the Senate as well as the annual financial statements for adoption by the Senate. The Executive Committee is made up of the President, at least two Vice Presidents, the Treasurer as well as two to four further members. The Executive Committee supervises Administrative Headquarters through the President. Together with the Secretary General, the Executive Committee forms the Management Board of the Max Planck Society as defined by the law.