MPG City Week 2021
In June 2021, we embarked on an unprecedented journey through the vibrant streets of MPG City with the inaugural MPG City Week. This landmark event invited explorers from every corner of the MPG – from fresh faces to seasoned inhabitants – to dive deep into the heart of our community, starting from the very center: the Max Planck Institutes. The MPG City Week 2021 took place from June 7-10, 2021, to bring the MPG community together online.
The program was all about pick & mix! This means: you didn’t have to sit in front of the computer screen for four days; the program offered the opportunity to integrate all sessions into the daily work routine. Everyone got the chance to pick nearly every session at least once!
Presented by Sandra Vengadasalam | MPDL
The MPDL Roadshow is a great starter for getting an overview of all the different MPDL Services.
Because: Good Tools - Happy Scientists! Happy Scientists - Good Research!
Discover the leverage of smart tools and great services exclusively for researchers at the MPG. Find out about Labfolder (a digital lab notebook), Keeper (safe data storage, seamlessly integrated into your research workflow), Edmond (the open research data repository of the MPG), and many more. Get new ideas and approaches that make your day-to-day work easier while it also remains efficient.
Learn more about the various MPDL Services within their sessions during the MPDL City Week!
Presented by René Ranger & Lu Yu | MPDL
With the KEEPER Service, you can easily sync and share your project data, and in addition, we take care that your work is properly archived in the Max Planck infrastructure. Convince yourself of the reliable and high performant file syncing algorithms and the built-in file encryption. Support your team with the KEEPER collaboration functionalities. With storing your data in KEEPER, you can be sure to fulfill the archiving regulations of the Max Planck Society as well as the German Research Foundation to ensure ‘good scientific practice.’ Or you deposit your data to the KEEPER Service after your project ends for long-term compliant archiving.
During this talk, you will also get the chance to hear about LabCam – a powerful tool to upload your real-time photos to the associated KEEPER account. LabCam gives you the possibility of customizing the storage path of the photos in KEEPER and modify the path at any time. Powerful OCR makes it easy to extract and store full-text from photos, and then users can edit it on their own devices with the .md file, which greatly improves the work efficiency.
Presented by Yves Vincent Grossmann & Michael Franke I MPDL
Give a home to your open data! Edmond is a research data repository for Max Planck researchers. It is the place to store completed collections of scientific data sets with open access. Edmond can be used to publish raw data for re-use by other researchers as well as supplementary secondary data underlying a certain publication. Our research data repository features a non-restrictive metadata schema definition, as simple as you like and as complex as your parameters require. Edmond is provided as a central service by the Max Planck Digital Library. It is based on the Open Source Software imeji.
Presented by Yves Vincent Grossmann & Michael Franke I MPDL
Make the most out of your data! The RDM Platform offers advice and support in research data management. The Research Data Management Support helps to create data management plans for project proposals, with competency in metadata standards needed for the long-term archival of research data, and assists in converting data to commonly accepted formats. The RDM Support assists researchers in finding suitable data repositories and possibilities to store research data in a nicely presented, citable, and reusable way.
Presented by Gregor Botero | MPDL
Software licensing should be more convenient for all Max Planck members. The MPDL Software Licensing team (SoLi) is creating an MPG-wide, institutionalized basic supply of software and online services. This presentation will provide you with an overview of SoLi services, how to use them and how you can benefit. Get in touch with the SoLi team, your central point of contact, for all questions around our basic software supply!
Presented by Anne Kriegel I Labforward
Labforward provides Labfolder (licensed by MPDL), a well-designed electronic lab notebook (ELN) for research teams, supporting scientists in their quest to make groundbreaking scientific discoveries as well as Laboperator, an internet-of-things platform that allows to remotely control and monitor laboratory devices and equipment.
Presented by Julia Groth | MPDL
bloxsearcher is an emerging community platform for MPG researchers managed by the Max Planck Digital Library to provide comprehensive background information on why and how blockchain technology can generate added value for science. To start with, bloxsearcher aims to facilitate access to already existing decentralized applications. With a growing community, bloxsearcher’s goal is to bring scientists together to kick-start the collaborative design of sustainable blockchain applications.
From Bitcoin to reputation
bloxsearcher builds on bloxberg, a secure global blockchain infrastructure, that was established in early 2019 by a consortium of renowned research organizations under the leadership of the MPDL to provide scientists with decentralized services and foster collaboration among the scientific community.
No matter whether you are blockchain-savvy or new to the field, want to explore the opportunities or start incorporating blockchain applications into your workflows. If you are interested to hear more about bloxberg, dedicated decentralized applications, and the bloxsearcher initiative – become part of an innovative and interdisciplinary community.
Presented by Julia Graepel | MPDL
A wealth of information resources is available to MPG researchers via the MPG Grundversorgung. This presentation will provide you with an overview of available resources as well as tools to discover and access the scientific information resources you seek.
Presented by Heidi Colleran I MPI for Evolutionary Anthropology
& Alexander Badri-Spröwitz I MPI for Intelligent Systems
As elected speakers & deputies, we establish a scientific and social exchange between the Max Planck Research Group Leaders of all three Max Planck sections. In the presentation, we will briefly present our current and future mission.
Manuela Bragagnolo I MPI for Legal History and Legal Theory
& Maryna Polyakova I MPI for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences
We are building a community where postdocs are informed, supported, and confident about their next step. Join our talk to meet the network, learn where you can get support or become a part of an amazing team. We are looking forward to seeing you!
Presented by Johannes Bischoff | Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society
The PhDnet represents all 5000 doctoral researchers in the Max Planck Society. In this talk, we will present ourselves and the network to highlight our working groups and achievements.
Presented by Jacqueline Tabler I MPI of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics
Elena Taverna I MPI for Evolutionary Anthropolgy
Mazhar Ali I MPI of Microstructure Physics
LeadNet is a network bringing together senior scientists, research associates, project and group leaders of the Max Planck Society. LeadNet provides a forum for common scientific and organizational issues and promotes interactions among research groups within the MPG. Get to know us!
Presented by Kristina Starkloff | Max Planck Society Archives
The MPG-Archives is the official repository for records of the Max Planck Society and its predecessor institution the Kaiser Wilhelm Society. It collects materials documenting the administrative, intellectual, cultural, and social history of the Max Planck Society from its founding to the present. The collection focuses on the personal papers of outstanding scientists.
Presented by Prof. Dr. Ramin Yahyapour | GWDG
GWDG is one of the central MPG IT facilities offering a broad range of services available for all institutes. These range from basic IT offerings to specific e-Science for computer- and data-intensive research.
Presented by:
Hana Gründler | Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz
Gabriele Bixel | MPI for Molecular Biomedicine
Eduardo Ros | MPI for Radio Astronomy
The Representatives of the Scientific staff represent the interests and concerns of all scientists, both towards the respective institute management and in the sections (BMS, CPTS, HSS). Within the institutes, they act as a contact person for all questions and needs of the scientific staff. At the section level, the representatives take part in the section meetings and advocate for the diverse interests of the academic staff in the various committees. Get to know us!
Presented by Johannes Stark & Tim Stratemann
The MPG-wide intranet MAX offers multiple features and tools to help your daily work at Max Planck. Are you looking for ways to inform yourself on recent developments, collaborate within or across MPIs or organize and advertise events? Learn more about how MAX can make your life easier – we look forward to meeting you and will be happy to find solutions within MAX.
Presented by Jörn Erselius, Ulrich Mahr, Ingrid Kasper-Fischer | Max Planck Innovation
Max-Planck-Innovation is the technology transfer organization of the Max-Planck-Society. In this session, we will give you a general overview of our company and the various services we provide for Max-Planck-Scientists in the field of intellectual property management, marketing, and spin-off support. Further, you will learn how we help you in translating your ideas into valuable products or companies and thus creating a societal benefit.
Presented by Johannes Stark & Constanze Steinhauser | MPG Administrative Headquarters
Bis Ende des Jahres werden 35 MPI ihr lokales Intranet in das MPG-weite MAX migriert haben. Das ermöglicht gleichzeitig einen internen Intranetbereich, der nur für die Mitarbeitenden vor Ort erreichbar ist, und gleichzeitig gelangen alle Mitarbeiter*innen an MPG-weite Angebote und Infos, können sich MPI-übergreifend vernetzen und austauschen. Wollen Sie verstehen, was MAX genau ist und wie wir Sie an Ihrem MPI während eines MAX Rollouts unterstützen können? Wir freuen uns auf Sie und Ihre Fragen und spezifischen Anwendungen, für die wir gerne maßgeschneiderte Lösungen entwickeln.
Presented by Yves Vincent Grossmann & Michael Franke I MPDL
Make the most out of your data! The RDM Platform offers advice and support in research data management. The Research Data Management Support helps to create data management plans for project proposals, with competency in metadata standards needed for the long-term archival of research data, and assists in converting data to commonly accepted formats. The RDM Support assists researchers in finding suitable data repositories and possibilities to store research data in a nicely presented, citable, and reusable way.
Presented by Julia Groth | MPDL
bloxsearcher is an emerging community platform for MPG researchers managed by the Max Planck Digital Library to provide comprehensive background information on why and how blockchain technology can generate added value for science. To start with, bloxsearcher aims to facilitate access to already existing decentralized applications. With a growing community, bloxsearcher’s goal is to bring scientists together to kick-start the collaborative design of sustainable blockchain applications.
From Bitcoin to reputation
bloxsearcher builds on bloxberg, a secure global blockchain infrastructure, that was established in early 2019 by a consortium of renowned research organizations under the leadership of the MPDL to provide scientists with decentralized services and foster collaboration among the scientific community.
No matter whether you are blockchain-savvy or new to the field, want to explore the opportunities or start incorporating blockchain applications into your workflows. If you are interested to hear more about bloxberg, dedicated decentralized applications, and the bloxsearcher initiative – become part of an innovative and interdisciplinary community.
Presented by Julia Graepel | MPDL
Many journals require payment of “article processing charges” (APCs) to publish articles Open Access. MPDL strives to cover APCs for Max Planck authors by setting up agreements with publishers – our aim is to make Open Access publishing as easy as possible for Max Planck authors. Over 9000 journals are already available for publishing Open Access with central funding via the MPG Grundversorgung. This session will provide an overview of where to look for eligible journals and explain some criteria to receive OA funding.
Presented by Michael Franke | MPDL
Open Science practices become more and more a part of researchers‘ lives. Be it new funders’ or publishers’ requirements for publication of scientific papers or Research Data in Open Access, new ways of publication like preprints or Open Review or be it new paths to obtain scientific knowledge like Pre-Registration or Registered Reports, not to mention the importance of scientific software. MPDL will set up a series of pertinent talks to provide Max Planck researchers with the latest information on Open Science best practices, tools, platforms, and regulations.
Presented by Margit Palzenberger & Ingo Laut I MPDL
The Research Information Observatory (RIO) is a technical and operational
framework for quantitative information on research output, communication,
and impact. The framework integrates data from a wide variety of sources
from bibliographic, citation, and patent databases and is also covering
media uptake and resource request logs. It supports a broad field of use
cases with data management, statistical analysis, reporting, and
The services include publication profiles for MPG sections, institutes,
working groups, and PIs which are prepared in close interaction with
section representatives, research coordinators, and librarians. Publication
profiles are applied for a wide range of purposes, e.g. strategic evidence,
steering board and annual reports, grant applications. They include
information on output channels, open access coverage, citation patterns, and
collaboration networks.
Presented by Ralf Schimmer | MPDL
In the realm of scholarly communication, Projekt DEAL has been making global headlines over the past couple years and has brought significant benefits to researchers across Germany. Not only do the two DEAL agreements with Wiley and Springer Nature give researchers expanded reading access rights, but authors affiliated with the more than 900 DEAL institutions across Germany are entitled to keep copyright of their articles and publish them openly in thousands of high quality, peer-reviewed journals across all disciplines, without having to pay open access publishing fees (APCs).
The Max Planck Society has been heavily invested in DEAL since its inception and established MPDL Services GmbH as the legal entity to manage implementation of the nationwide DEAL agreements. The Max Planck Digital Library (MPDL) has acquired more than a decade of experience negotiating and managing similar agreements with publishers on behalf of all Max Planck Institutes to enable MPG authors to publish their articles openly in the journals of their choice. Through MPDL Services GmbH, that expertise is now also serving the broader German research community.
An expression of the Max Planck Society’s commitment to open dissemination of research, MPDL is also the driving force behind the global “Open Access 2020 initiative” and one of the key protagonists in the push for “Transformative Agreements” – i.e. contracts with publishers in which funds previously spent on subscription paywalls are repurposed to support open access publishing services.
Presented by Sandra Vengadasalam | MPDL
The MPDL Roadshow is a great starter for getting an overview of all the different MPDL Services.
Because: Good Tools - Happy Scientists! Happy Scientists - Good Research!
Discover the leverage of smart tools and great services exclusively for researchers at the MPG. Find out about Labfolder (a digital lab notebook), Keeper (safe data storage, seamlessly integrated into your research workflow), Edmond (the open research data repository of the MPG), and many more. Get new ideas and approaches that make your day-to-day work easier while it also remains efficient.
Learn more about the various MPDL Services within their sessions during the MPDL City Week!
Presented by René Ranger & Lu Yu | MPDL
With the KEEPER Service, you can easily sync and share your project data, and in addition, we take care that your work is properly archived in the Max Planck infrastructure. Convince yourself of the reliable and high performant file syncing algorithms and the built-in file encryption. Support your team with the KEEPER collaboration functionalities. With storing your data in KEEPER, you can be sure to fulfill the archiving regulations of the Max Planck Society as well as the German Research Foundation to ensure ‘good scientific practice.’ Or you deposit your data to the KEEPER Service after your project ends for long-term compliant archiving.
During this talk, you will also get the chance to hear about LabCam – a powerful tool to upload your real-time photos to the associated KEEPER account. LabCam gives you the possibility of customizing the storage path of the photos in KEEPER and modify the path at any time. Powerful OCR makes it easy to extract and store full-text from photos, and then users can edit it on their own devices with the .md file, which greatly improves the work efficiency.
Presented by Christian Erlacher | Administrative Headquarters
You like podcasts? Why not create your own? Join me on my journey of creating a podcast and see how simple it can be to start a podcast.
Presented by Johannes Stark & Christoph Stiebert
The MPG-wide intranet MAX offers multiple features and tools to help your daily work at Max Planck. Are you looking for ways to inform yourself on recent developments, collaborate within or across MPIs or organize and advertise events? Learn more about how MAX can make your life easier – we look forward to meeting you and will be happy to find solutions within MAX.
Presented by Anette Hausmann | Administrative Headquarters
Health Management in der MPG – Gesundheit als Voraussetzung für unsere Exzellenz!
Die aktuelle Corona-Krise nimmt entscheidenden Einfluss auf die Arbeitsbedingungen und die Zusammenarbeit. Dabei ist das Thema Mental Health verstärkt in den Fokus gerückt. Welche Unterstützung bieten wir den MPG Beschäftigten? Was können Sie selbst tun?
Presented by Constanze Steinhauser & Sebastian Behrendt | MPG Administrative Headquarters
Bis Ende des Jahres werden 35 MPI ihr lokales Intranet in das MPG-weite MAX migriert haben. Das ermöglicht gleichzeitig einen internen Intranetbereich, der nur für die Mitarbeitenden vor Ort erreichbar ist, und gleichzeitig gelangen alle Mitarbeiter*innen an MPG-weite Angebote und Infos, können sich MPI-übergreifend vernetzen und austauschen. Wollen Sie verstehen, was MAX genau ist und wie wir Sie an Ihrem MPI während eines MAX Rollouts unterstützen können? Wir freuen uns auf Sie und Ihre Fragen und spezifischen Anwendungen, für die wir gerne maßgeschneiderte Lösungen entwickeln.
Presented by Sophie Lohmann | MPI for Demographic Research
Moritz Hütten | MPI for Physics
Jakob Schweizer | MPI for Dynamics of Complex Technical Systems
The Max Planck Sustainability Network is a grass-roots initiative within the Max Planck Society. Our goal is to make our research work more environmentally friendly.
Das Max-Planck-Nachhaltigkeitsnetzwerk ist eine Graswurzel-Initiative innerhalb der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft. Unser Ziel ist es, unsere Forschungsarbeit umweltfreundlicher zu gestalten.
Presented by Pamela Ornelas | MPI for Biophysics
& Cornelia van Scherpenberg | MPI for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences
In the PhDnet Open Science group, we are interested in making knowledge accessible to all. In this talk, we will discuss strategies to make the MPS a leader in open research
Presented by JD Rolfes | MPQueer
MPQueer, the queer community’s bottom-up network within MPG, was founded only in 2018. The talk will focus on the initiation and development of MPQueer, the idea behind it, and its achievements so far.
Presented by Clara Rigoni I MPI for the Study of Crime, Security and Law
& Yu-Xuan Lu I MPI for Biology of Ageing
In this talk, you will not only get an overview of career development training & opportunities in the Max Planck Society but also participate in our interactive discussion on identifying career development winning strategies.
Presented by Erwin Laure | MPCDF
The Max Planck Computing and Data Facility offers services for all Max Planck Institutes. This includes data management for big data projects, the operation of a central high-performance computer, data analytics/machine learning expertise as well as the provision of a modern data infrastructure including long-term archiving. The talk will give an overview on the variety of services the MPCDF provides for the Max-Planck Researchers.
Presented by Dr. Mareike Göritz, Dr. Bernd Ctortecka | Max Planck Innovation
Scientific publications are compatible with filing a patent application. Both goals can be achieved in a streamlined efficient process. What are the relevant criteria, processes, and necessary steps involved?
Presented by Margit Palzenberger & Ingo Laut I MPDL
The Research Information Observatory (RIO) is a technical and operational
framework for quantitative information on research output, communication,
and impact. The framework integrates data from a wide variety of sources
from bibliographic, citation, and patent databases and is also covering
media uptake and resource request logs. It supports a broad field of use
cases with data management, statistical analysis, reporting, and
The services include publication profiles for MPG sections, institutes,
working groups, and PIs which are prepared in close interaction with
section representatives, research coordinators, and librarians. Publication
profiles are applied for a wide range of purposes, e.g. strategic evidence,
steering board and annual reports, grant applications. They include
information on output channels, open access coverage, citation patterns, and
collaboration networks.
Presented by René Ranger & Lu Yu | MPDL
With the KEEPER Service, you can easily sync and share your project data, and in addition, we take care that your work is properly archived in the Max Planck infrastructure. Convince yourself of the reliable and high performant file syncing algorithms and the built-in file encryption. Support your team with the KEEPER collaboration functionalities. With storing your data in KEEPER, you can be sure to fulfill the archiving regulations of the Max Planck Society as well as the German Research Foundation to ensure ‘good scientific practice.’ Or you deposit your data to the KEEPER Service after your project ends for long-term compliant archiving.
During this talk, you will also get the chance to hear about LabCam – a powerful tool to upload your real-time photos to the associated KEEPER account. LabCam gives you the possibility of customizing the storage path of the photos in KEEPER and modify the path at any time. Powerful OCR makes it easy to extract and store full-text from photos, and then users can edit it on their own devices with the .md file, which greatly improves the work efficiency.
Presented by Sandra Vengadasalam | MPDL
The MPDL Roadshow is a great starter for getting an overview of all the different MPDL Services.
Because: Good Tools - Happy Scientists! Happy Scientists - Good Research!
Discover the leverage of smart tools and great services exclusively for researchers at the MPG. Find out about Labfolder (a digital lab notebook), Keeper (safe data storage, seamlessly integrated into your research workflow), Edmond (the open research data repository of the MPG), and many more. Get new ideas and approaches that make your day-to-day work easier while it also remains efficient.
Learn more about the various MPDL Services within their sessions during the MPDL City Week!
Presented by Anne Kriegel I Labforward
Labfolder’s software as a service (SaaS) makes it easier to record, retrieve, share, discuss, & validate research data as a team. Join the interactive session and see how it works!
Presented by Julia Graepel | MPDL
A wealth of information resources is available to MPG researchers via the MPG Grundversorgung. This presentation will provide you with an overview of available resources as well as tools to discover and access the scientific information resources you seek.
Presented by Gregor Botero | MPDL
Software licensing should be more convenient for all Max Planck members. The MPDL Software Licensing team (SoLi) is creating an MPG-wide, institutionalized basic supply of software and online services. This presentation will provide you with an overview of SoLi services, how to use them and how you can benefit. Get in touch with the SoLi team, your central point of contact, for all questions around our basic software supply!
Interview with Kristina Starkloff | Max Planck Society Archives & Frank Sander | MPDL
“What is exciting about being an archivist and about the position in general and specifically at the MPG?”
If you ever wondered about what the Archives of the Max Planck Society is doing and what kind of exciting records there are stored, join the interview with the Director of the MPG Archives. Kristina Stakloff and Frank Sander are your tour guides on this ride. Learn about the depths of the Max Planck Society’s Archives & get to know the people behind it. Join the ride, and be part of an exclusive interview that you will only get by becoming part of the MPG City Week 2021!
Presented by Prof. Dr. Philipp Wieder | GWDG
Data management, data analytics, and data science are just some of the terms that are used in the context of one of the great interdisciplinary challenges we currently tackle in research: the consistent handling of research data. State-of-the-art infrastructures and services are an essential foundation to address these challenges and to build domain-specific solutions. In this talk, selected offers from GWDG are introduced.
Presented by Christian Erlacher | Administrative Headquarters
You like podcasts? Why not create your own? Join me on my journey of creating a podcast and see how simple it can be to start a podcast.
Presented by Ulrich Mahr, Carolin Wichmann, Sebastian Meyer-Borchert | Max Planck Innovation
Start-ups can be both a highly attractive career opportunity for MPI scientists and also an important contribution to innovation and growth for the benefit of society at large. MPG therefore actively supports entrepreneurship activities through several offerings. As part of the recently started Max-Planck Entrepreneurship Initiative MI helps interested scientists in forming and preparing a successful start-up with ample support options which will be presented and discussed in more detail in this webinar.
Presented by Andreas Marek | MPCDF
Presented by Signe Tuborgh & Tobias Rasse | Administrative Headquarters
In this short talk, you will get an insight into the offers of the Planck Academy for Doctoral Students and Postdocs, such as seminars, coaching, and e-learning offers.
You can ask your questions and get to know your contact persons from the HR Development of the Max Planck Society.
We look forward to welcoming you!
Presented by Jacqueline Tabler I MPI of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics
Elena Taverna I MPI for Evolutionary Anthropolgy
Mazhar Ali I MPI of Microstructure Physics
LeadNet is a network bringing together senior scientists, research associates, project and group leaders of the Max Planck Society. LeadNet provides a forum for common scientific and organizational issues and promotes interactions among research groups within the MPG. Get to know us!
Presented by Erica McGale | MPQueer
Inspired by the book “So You Want to Talk About Race” by Ijeoma Oluo, this talk will focus on the current conversation on people's equity of different identities in research: Who is talking? Who is listening? What does progress look like, what does it mean, and how can it continue?
Presented by Sophie Lohmann | MPI for Demographic Research
Moritz Hütten | MPI for Physics
Jakob Schweizer | MPI for Dynamics of Complex Technical Systems
The Max Planck Sustainability Network is a grass-roots initiative within the Max Planck Society. Our goal is to make our research work more environmentally friendly.
Das Max-Planck-Nachhaltigkeitsnetzwerk ist eine Graswurzel-Initiative innerhalb der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft. Unser Ziel ist es, unsere Forschungsarbeit umweltfreundlicher zu gestalten.
Presented by Sabine Neitzel | MPG Administrative Headquarters
The Max Planck Society attaches great importance to family friendliness and offers extensive measures to facilitate the balancing act between career and family life. The Family Office provides an overview of current measures and recent developments in the area of compatibility.
Presented by Alexandra Riester-Gnädinger & Christoph Stiebert
The MPG-wide intranet MAX offers multiple features and tools to help your daily work at Max Planck. Are you looking for ways to inform yourself on recent developments, collaborate within or across MPIs or organize and advertise events? Learn more about how MAX can make your life easier – we look forward to meeting you and will be happy to find solutions within MAX.
Presented by Anne Lorf | Administrative Headquarters & Dr. Christiane Glöckner | MPI for Marine Microbiology
For more than 20 years, the IMPRS have been the benchmark of structured doctoral training at the MPG. in more than 65 IMPRS, doctoral students take advantage of structured curricula, dynamic networks, and excellent scientific supervision in a multi-eye approach. What else distinguishes the IMPRS and what a highly successful IMPRS looks like from the inside can be seen here.
Presented by Anette Hausmann | Administrative Headquarters
Health Management in der MPG – Gesundheit als Voraussetzung für unsere Exzellenz!
Die aktuelle Corona-Krise nimmt entscheidenden Einfluss auf die Arbeitsbedingungen und die Zusammenarbeit. Dabei ist das Thema Mental Health verstärkt in den Fokus gerückt. Welche Unterstützung bieten wir den MPG Beschäftigten? Was können Sie selbst tun?
Presented by Signe Tuborgh & Tobias Rasse | Administrative Headquarters
In this short talk, you will get an insight into the offers of the Planck Academy for Doctoral Students and Postdocs, such as seminars, coaching, and e-learning offers.
You can ask your questions and get to know your contact persons from the HR Development of the Max Planck Society.
We look forward to welcoming you!
Presented by Raphael Ritz | MPCDF
Presented by Johannes Stark & Constanze Steinhauser | MPG Administrative Headquarters
Bis Ende des Jahres werden 35 MPI ihr lokales Intranet in das MPG-weite MAX migriert haben. Das ermöglicht gleichzeitig einen internen Intranetbereich, der nur für die Mitarbeitenden vor Ort erreichbar ist, und gleichzeitig gelangen alle Mitarbeiter*innen an MPG-weite Angebote und Infos, können sich MPI-übergreifend vernetzen und austauschen. Wollen Sie verstehen, was MAX genau ist und wie wir Sie an Ihrem MPI während eines MAX Rollouts unterstützen können? Wir freuen uns auf Sie und Ihre Fragen und spezifischen Anwendungen, für die wir gerne maßgeschneiderte Lösungen entwickeln.
Presented by Dieter Link & Wolfgang Tröger | Max Planck Innovation
In the fourth and last contribution of Max-Planck-Innovation (MI) to the MPG City Week, we will invite you to follow how we at MI manage the academia to industry interface when out-licensing intellectual property generated by Max Planck scientists and how this compares to your academia to industry interface when it comes to cooperation activities between your groups and industry. Learn about successful licensing events. Take the opportunity to ask us how you can broaden your participation in the technology transfer activities of Max-Planck Society.
Presented by Anne Grewlich-Gercke | MPG Administrative Headquarters
Funded by the Stifterverband, the Industry Track of the Planck Academy supports Max Planck talents at Ph.D., Postdoc, or Research Group Leader level who are interested in leaving science for a career in non-academia. Learn more about concrete offers of this program and how Max Planck ensures to be in tune with business needs.
Interview with Roland Kniebühler | Administrative Headquarters & Frank Sander | MPDL
“How does one become president of the MPG?”
If you have ever wondered about questions like this one, join the interview with the Staff Unit “Structure, Rules and Governing Bodies of the MPG.” Roland Kniebühler and Frank Sander will guide you through the MPG City by getting into exciting questions about everything you ever wanted to know about the Max Planck Society. Join the ride, and be part of an exclusive interview that you will only get by becoming part of the MPG City Week 2021!
Presented by Sandra Vengadasalam | MPDL
The MPDL Roadshow is a great starter for getting an overview of all the different MPDL Services.
Because: Good Tools - Happy Scientists! Happy Scientists - Good Research!
Discover the leverage of smart tools and great services exclusively for researchers at the MPG. Find out about Labfolder (a digital lab notebook), Keeper (safe data storage, seamlessly integrated into your research workflow), Edmond (the open research data repository of the MPG), and many more. Get new ideas and approaches that make your day-to-day work easier while it also remains efficient.
Learn more about the various MPDL Services within their sessions during the MPDL City Week!
Presented by Michael Franke | MPDL
Open Science practices become more and more a part of researchers‘ lives. Be it new funders’ or publishers’ requirements for publication of scientific papers or Research Data in Open Access, new ways of publication like preprints or Open Review or be it new paths to obtain scientific knowledge like Pre-Registration or Registered Reports, not to mention the importance of scientific software. MPDL will set up a series of pertinent talks to provide Max Planck researchers with the latest information on Open Science best practices, tools, platforms, and regulations.
Presented by Ralf Schimmer | MPDL
In the realm of scholarly communication, Projekt DEAL has been making global headlines over the past couple years and has brought significant benefits to researchers across Germany. Not only do the two DEAL agreements with Wiley and Springer Nature give researchers expanded reading access rights, but authors affiliated with the more than 900 DEAL institutions across Germany are entitled to keep copyright of their articles and publish them openly in thousands of high quality, peer-reviewed journals across all disciplines, without having to pay open access publishing fees (APCs).
The Max Planck Society has been heavily invested in DEAL since its inception and established MPDL Services GmbH as the legal entity to manage implementation of the nationwide DEAL agreements. The Max Planck Digital Library (MPDL) has acquired more than a decade of experience negotiating and managing similar agreements with publishers on behalf of all Max Planck Institutes to enable MPG authors to publish their articles openly in the journals of their choice. Through MPDL Services GmbH, that expertise is now also serving the broader German research community.
An expression of the Max Planck Society’s commitment to open dissemination of research, MPDL is also the driving force behind the global “Open Access 2020 initiative” and one of the key protagonists in the push for “Transformative Agreements” – i.e. contracts with publishers in which funds previously spent on subscription paywalls are repurposed to support open access publishing services.
Presented by Julia Graepel | MPDL
Many journals require payment of “article processing charges” (APCs) to publish articles Open Access. MPDL strives to cover APCs for Max Planck authors by setting up agreements with publishers – our aim is to make Open Access publishing as easy as possible for Max Planck authors. Over 9000 journals are already available for publishing Open Access with central funding via the MPG Grundversorgung. This session will provide an overview of where to look for eligible journals and explain some criteria to receive OA funding.
Welcome to the first MPG City Week!08:45 - 09:00
MPDL Roadshow09:00 - 10:00
KEEPER10:00 - 11:00
EDMOND10:00 - 10:30
RDM Platform10:30 - 11:00
SoLi: MPG Basic Software Supply11:00 - 11:30
Labforward - Building the laboratory of the future11:00 - 11:30
bloxsearcher11:30 - 12:00
Seamless Access to eJournals, eBooks, and Databases11:30 - 12:00
Lunch12:00 - 13:00
WORK (Lab)WORK (Office)WORKWORK (Lab)WORK (Office)WORKWORK (Lab)WORK (Office)WORKWORK (Lab)WORK (Office)WORKWORK (Lab)WORK (Office)WORKWORK (Lab)WORK (Office)WORKWORK (Lab)WORK (Office)WORK13:00 - 15:00
Meet the MPRGL network!15:00 - 15:30
PostdocNet - building a better future together!15:00 - 15:30
The PhDnet, who are we and what has been achieved!15:30 - 16:00
LeadNet - get to know the network!15:30 - 16:00
The Max Planck Society Archives - the Society's Institutional Memory16:00 - 16:30
Overview of GWDG and its Services for MPG16:30 - 17:00
Get to know the Scientific Staff Representatives16:30 - 17:00
MAX in a nutshell17:00 - 17:30
MP Innovation - Patents, Licenses & Spin-off companies17:00 - 17:30
MAX an einem MPI17:30 - 18:00
Welcome to the first MPG City Week!08:45 - 09:00
RDM Platform09:00 - 09:30
bloxsearcher09:00 - 09:30
Open Access Publishing with Central Funding09:30 - 10:00
Open Science in Practice09:30 - 10:00
A Journey to RIO - the Services of the MPDL Big Data Analytics Group10:00 - 11:00
What's the DEAL?10:00 - 11:00
MPDL Roadshow11:00 - 12:00
KEEPER11:00 - 12:00
Lunch12:00 - 13:00
WORK (Lab)WORK (Office)WORKWORK (Lab)WORK (Office)WORKWORK (Lab)WORK (Office)WORKWORK (Lab)WORK (Office)WORKWORK (Lab)WORK (Office)WORKWORK (Lab)WORK (Office)WORKWORK (Lab)WORK (Office)WORK13:00 - 15:00
Podcasts – a fun way to communicate15:00 - 15:30
MAX in a nutshell15:00 - 15:30
Health Management in der MPGPresenatation in German!15:30 - 16:00
MAX an einem MPI15:30 - 16:00
MPG Sustainability Network16:00 - 16:30
PhDnet: Open Science in the MPS - strategies and ways forward16:00 - 16:30
MPQueer - An Empower movement within MPG16:30 - 17:00
PostdocNet: Career Development & Opportunity for postdocs in the time of a pandemic16:30 - 17:00
News from the MPCDF17:00 - 17:30
MP Innovation - Matching Patents & Publication17:30 - 18:00
Welcome from the Steering Committee11:00 - 11:15
Wieland Huttner | MPI CBG | How to be Innovative in Science?11:15 - 12:00
Lunch12:00 - 13:00
Sara Schelp | DFG | An Insight Into Science Management13:00 - 13:45
Amani Said | Grow as a Leader – Build your Personal Brand13:45 - 14:30
Short Break14:30 - 14:45
Elisabeth Steib | Kurzgesagt | Science Communication in a Nutshell14:45 - 15:45
Leading LeadNet 2022. What? Where? Who? ?15:45 - 16:30
Short Break16:30 - 16:45
Daniel Haun | MPI EVA | Six pieces of unsolicited advice for scientists leading other scientists16:45 - 17:30
Discussion17:30 - 18:00
Welcome to the first MPG City Week!08:45 - 09:00
A Journey to RIO - the Services of the MPDL Big Data Analytics Group09:00 - 10:00
KEEPER09:00 - 10:00
MPDL Roadshow10:00 - 11:00
Labfolder - See the electronic lab notebook licensed by the MPDL live in action10:00 - 11:00
Seamless Access to eJournals, eBooks, and Databases11:00 - 11:30
Digitalisierung in der MPG11:00 - 12:00
SoLi: MPG Basic Software Supply11:30 - 12:00
Lunch12:00 - 13:00
WORK (Lab)WORK (Office)WORKWORK (Lab)WORK (Office)WORKWORK (Lab)WORK (Office)WORKWORK (Lab)WORK (Office)WORKWORK (Lab)WORK (Office)WORKWORK (Lab)WORK (Office)WORKWORK (Lab)WORK (Office)WORK13:00 - 15:00
Interview with the Max Planck Society Archives15:00 - 15:30
GWDG: Infrastructures & Services for Data Science15:30 - 16:00
Podcasts – a fun way to communicate16:00 - 16:30
MP Innovation – Comprehensive support for MPG spin-offs16:00 - 16:30
MPCDF: AI and High Performance Data Analytics16:30 - 17:00
Planck Academy and you - insights into the offers for Doctoral Students and Postdocsinsights in the offers for Doctoral Researchers and Postdocs16:30 - 17:00
LeadNet - get to know the network!17:00 - 17:30
MPQueer - So you want to talk about gender in the research world17:00 - 17:30
MPG Sustainability Network17:30 - 18:00
Children and Career, Family and Research: Compatibility at the Max Planck Society17:30 - 18:00
Welcome to the first MPG City Week!08:45 - 09:00
MAX in a nutshell09:00 - 09:30
IMPRS yourself – the IMPRS program in a nutshell09:00 - 09:30
Health Management in der MPGPresenatation in German!09:30 - 10:00
Planck Academy and you - insights into the offers for Doctoral Students and Postdocsinsights in the offers for Doctoral Researchers and Postdocs09:30 - 10:00
MPCDF: Research Data Management Support10:00 - 10:30
MAX an einem MPI10:00 - 10:30
MPG City - Industry in the neighbourhood10:30 - 11:00
Science Goes Industry – the Industry Track of the Planck Academy10:30 - 11:00
Learn all about the MPG Structure11:00 - 12:00
Lunch12:00 - 13:00
WORK (Lab)WORK (Office)WORKWORK (Lab)WORK (Office)WORKWORK (Lab)WORK (Office)WORKWORK (Lab)WORK (Office)WORKWORK (Lab)WORK (Office)WORKWORK (Lab)WORK (Office)WORKWORK (Lab)WORK (Office)WORK13:00 - 15:00
MPDL Roadshow15:00 - 16:00
Open Science in Practice16:00 - 16:30
What's the DEAL?16:00 - 17:00
Open Access Publishing with Central Funding16:30 - 17:00